WHMA Excess Inventory Listserv
Access to the WHMA Excess Inventory Listserv, where you can buy/sell your inventory with other WHMA members.
Currently over 800 pieces of inventory available!
WHMA/IPC is pleased to announce a NEW member benefit for Wiring Harness Manufacturer’s members that addresses the industry’s challenge to find inventory.
The WHMA Excess Inventory Listserv is a mail list system for posting/searching excess inventory. With this system WHMA members will be able to send email lists of materials they wish to sell, as well as receive emails listing materials that other members have available. In addition, archives of previous message postings can be searched online.
This service is Free and Exclusively for WHMA members.
- How to Subscribe: To subscribe to the service, please send an email to [email protected]. In the subject line, write “Subscriber to Listserve”, and your full name and email address. We will send you a confirmation email upon activation of the subscription.
- Create an Account with Listserv: If you don’t already have a password for the LISTSERV.IPC.ORG server, we recommend that you create one now using this link: http://listserv.ipc.org/scripts/wa.exe?GETPW1