A-620 Value

Certification demonstrates commitment to quality workmanship for cable and wire harnesses. The IPC/WHMA-A-620 is a universally recognized workmanship standard within the wire harness industry that has created an understanding between manufacturers and OEMs.

“The Worldwide Cable and Harness Market in 2015 generated $134 billion in Sales Revenue with a predicted growth of 1.7% by 2016.”*

With the cable and harness industry continuing to grow, OEMs are not just looking for basic material/component suppliers, they are searching for “Solution Providers“.

As a “Solutions Provider”, they are looking for, and increasingly demanding, expertise on:

  • Wire and cable
  • Connectors
  • Assembly
  • HLA – high level assemblies
  • Project management

And most importantly, Certification on Industry Standards – such as the “IPC/WHMA-A-620”.

IPC/WHMA-A-620 Training and Certification Program

The A-620 Technical Training Committee has approved release of IPC/WHMA-A-620C training programs. Certification is not revision specific. Currently certified IPC/WHMA-A-620 CITs may purchase the Revision C course materials from IPC or from your preferred A-620 IPC Authorized Training Center.

There are many uses of the IPC/WHMA-A-620 workmanship standard:

  • Workmanship standard for operators – standardization of visual criteria for acceptable process quality
  • Quality management systems – ISO and regulatory requirements
  • Achieve operational excellence – quality and productivity: used to monitor internal quality PPM goal; and, used to identify continuous improvement opportunities
  • As a marketing tool

So, to summarize, the TRUE value of the IPC/WHMA-A-620 standard is:

  • Internationally accepted workmanship standard – the materials are now published in 12 languages
  • It’s  “world class training and certification” is recognized by ISO and customer audits
  • Employee involvement and pride in workmanship
  • Creates a common language between OEMs and wire harness manufacturers
  • Customer satisfaction – confidence in supplier quality and quality systems
  • Compliance to ISO and regulatory requirements – ability to prove process and personnel effectiveness
  • Being certified to an industry standard boosts credibility

“By having earned this valuable credential, you’ll receive immediate recognition, legitimacy and value throughout the industry.”

“A-620 as a marketing tool. The three most important things to any OEM customer are quality, delivery and price. With tools such as the A-620 standard to enhance quality, harness shop owners will also influence delivery and cost.” Assembly Magazine