Webinar – Troubleshooting SMT Yield Problems and Failure Analysis

This webinar will preview the IPC APEX EXPO 2023 professional development course, “Troubleshooting SMT Yield Problems and Failure Analysis." Join Ray Prasad for this webinar and after completing this course you will be able to: Advance your understanding of root causes of SMT and through hole defects Implement corrective actions in design, assembly and material purchases […]

Webinar – Preventing Manufacturing Defects & Product Failures

This webinar will preview the IPC APEX EXPO 2023 professional development course, “Preventing Product Failure and Manufacturing Defects.” Join Dr. Jennie S. Hwang to explore how to prevent prevailing production defects and product reliability issues that affect the first-pass yield/cost/performance by understanding potential causes and plausible solutions. The webinar will cover product failure as related to tin whisker and five production […]

Webinar – WHMA Membership & Impact on Industry

WHMA was formed in 1993 to support the wiring harness industry. The mission of this association is to Lead, Educate, and Connect this industry. This webinar will highlight the WHMA Association, its benefits, and how we support the industry. Shawn DuBravac, Chief Economist, IPC, will also present a current sentiment of the wire harness industry. […]

Webinar – Gold-Aluminum Wire Bonding Process, Quality and Reliability

This webinar will preview the IPC APEX EXPO 2023 professional development course, “'Gold-Aluminum Wire Bonding Process, Quality and Reliability.” Join Dr. Syed Sajid Ahmad, Ph.D to review the historical timeline of the research in this area and summarize the relevant results including the means & actions proposed and tried to alleviate the adverse effects of the Kirkendall voiding […]

Webinar – Electronic Textile Evaluation Methods for Product Engineers and Designers

Join Madison Maxey, founder and technical lead of Loomia, as she shares highlights of her IPC APEX EXPO 2023 professional development course. The course provides a primer to electrical and mechanical engineers -as well as product designers - on how to engage with electronic textiles for new product development. Attendees should walk away with a clear picture of when electronic textiles may be […]

How Manufacturing Leaders Succeed in Hybrid Work Via Behavioral Science

Description: In this engaging, interactive, and entertaining presentation, you as a wire harness manufacturer or supplier will dramatically improve your ability to become a hybrid work leader using evidence-based cognitive science techniques. Many manufacturing leaders rely on traditional collaboration and management styles in managing hybrid teams. Yet research conclusively demonstrates that, instead of incrementally improving […]

2023 WHMA 30th Annual Wire Harness Conference

Over the past 30 years, the WHMA Annual Wire Harness Conference has become one of few investments that give an opportunity to learn, grow, share, and discover new approaches to many aspects of the wire harness industry. The conference features a number of timely presentations on topics important to wire harness manufacturers, OEMs and suppliers. It […]

Webinar – IPC Quarterly Economic Update and Market Outlook

Recent economic data is providing a mixed view on the economy. Economic fundamentals continue to slow, but some indicators point to solid underlying strength. The manufacturing sectors in Europe, the U.S., and China are all signaling contraction according to their respective PMI indexes, but in China and Europe at least, things are looking less bad […]